I was a happy child I promise.
But life can be rough.
When we are faced with life’s difficulties, it can be easy to run.
We can run away from who who we are, who God calls us to be, from other people.
During some difficult moments, we seek comfort in things that will never bring us comfort. Comfort foods, binge watching our favorite show, etc.
We are all guilty with trying to satisfy our hearts with things that will never satisfy.
Running is all too easy.
I know because I once tried to run from my emotions and bury what I was feeling inside.
But somewhere along the way, God came in and started working on me.
He revealed that those feelings would never go away until I faced them.
Those hurts and that drama would never disappear until I faced what was bothering me head on.
It can be so easy to let the loop of worry go around and around in our minds. But my breakthrough came when I hit the pause button and prayed.
Maybe, just maybe God has a plan.
Sure, we are not in control, but in releasing the negative feelings we hide inside, we can finally breathe.
We can finally truly live, free of the baggage weighing us down.
Are you holding onto things you should let go of? Are you afraid to face painful memories of the past or unment expectations?
Dear one, I encourage you to journal through these questions:
- Is there anything that happened that I can’t seem to let go of? Why am I holding onto these things?
2. Are there people who have hurt me that I haven’t forgiven? Pray and release what you have been holding onto.
3. Is there something you need to forgive yourself for? Ask God for forgiveness.
No matter how long it takes, I want you to journal these questions. Really ponder them and let go of the pain of the past.
Yesterday is gone, Today is here. All we have is this moment. But learn from your past. Don’t let pain go wasted.
For me. it was so easy to hit auto pilot and bury my feelings. But these feelings needed to be expressed.
What is so beautiful is once you pray through these questions, you can let it go.
Let go of the emptiness, of the bitterness, of the guilt.
Its beautiful and you will feel lighter, and freer. And you can constantly learn to let these things go each time they try to resurface.
I encourage you to replace those worried thoughts and hurts from the past with trust.
Trust that God has got this.
Trust that He sees everything.
Trust that He will give you justice.
Trust that you will heal.
These are things I need to work on as well.
So every time you get a burdensome, worried thought. replace it with a prayer.
Let’s pray.
Father, thank you that you are always with me. I am a broken human being in need of Your healing. Please go back into my memory and heal these wounds from the past. Help me to forgive myself and others for the wrongs that have been done. Lord walk with me through processing these difficult memories and help me to heal. I know that You have always been with me, carrying me along life’s journey. Give me the grace to forgive and healing from past wounds. Help me to pray each time a worried negative thought surfaces. Through the saints intercession. Amen.